Business Development

For the Anaerobic Digestion engineering department we are looking for interns! The following internships / graduation assignments are available. Apply using the apply button and select the (graduation)internshipyou are interested in.

Development of a 1,25 MWe electrolyser in the Netherlands

Suitable forBSc or MSc in Industrial Engineering & Management / Chemical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Sustainable Energy combined with an interest in the hydrogen market and engineering & management

Hydrogen is and will be one of the future building blocks for the chemical industry, transportation sectors and it will be a replacement for natural gas based industries such as the steel industry. HyGear is part of the HoSt Group and responsible for the hydrogen portfolio of our group. Within the HoSt Group we own and operate a portfolio of renewable energy production facilities and we are looking to expand this portfolio with our own hydrogen technique to produce renewable hydrogen. To do so our project development team will be looking into the development of a 1,25 MWe electrolyser project in the Netherlands. We are looking for a motivated student that is looking for a challenging and rewarding internship within our project development team. You will be focussing on the development of a 1,25MWe electrolyser project for the production of renewable hydrogen. Tasks include the search for potential sites with a sufficient electricity connection, what is the permit situation, what is the required plot size, designing a demo-plot, market study on renewable hydrogen and what development principles should be included. You will be working in our project development team where you will get a better understanding of the (European) hydrogen market and how HoSt can develop the most interesting business case scenarios. Develop a 1,25 MWe electrolyser project; Techno-economic evaluation of business case scenarios for HoSt hydrogen products; Perform a market study on the status of hydrogen in Europe; Write a market strategy for the most interesting business case scenarios. —

BioCO2 market analysis and strategy development

Suitable forBSc or MSc in Chemical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Sustainable Energy

Be part of the Business Development Department and support us in the development of HoSt's market strategy related to liquid bioCo2. BioCo2, which is one of the products of biogas purification, can be a valuable commodity if used wisely. As part of this internship, you will be responsible for providing the necessary input, analysis and drawing real-world conclusions on bioCo2 marketing strategy from HoSt installations across Europe. Everybody is familiar with CO2 being the main cause of the greenhouse effect. However, in many sectors CO2 is an elementary building block. Moreover, the European Union tries to achieve negative CO2-emissions through permanent storage. Biological CO2 from digestion or from capture from biomass combustion provides these options. Conduct a market research regarding possible CO2 utility options in different regions across the Europe; Understand what bioCO2 contracting terms are for different locations and project types; Mapping out price points from different sectors (greenhouses, P2X, food and beverage industry etc.); Conduct research on other innovative ways of using bioCO2 in Europe; Together with the team, analyse the data obtained and help develop the next steps for this branch of the company; Conduct research on other innovative ways of using bioCO2 in Europe. — Dutch blending obligations and strategy for HoSt

Suitable forBSc or MSc in Industrial Engineering & Management / Chemical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Sustainable Energy combined with an interest in engineering & management

HoSt is the technology provider to convert biomass to sustainable energy and besides being the provider of technology, HoSt also operates 8 installations in the Netherlands. With our own installations we produce sustainable energy which replaces an equivalent of 50.000.000 Nm3 of natural gas. In the Netherlands the blending obligation green gas has been announced and is expected to be implemented in 2025. From that moment onwards, energy suppliers are required to blend green gas into the natural gas grid for the built environment to benefit from clean gas. From 2025 the blending obligation will be increased yearly, resulting in a high demand for green gas. Due to the high demand of green gas HoSt is focussing on the development of green gas projects in the Netherlands. HoSt is therefore looking for an intern to develop a strategy for the project development team. The strategy should result in the highest contribution that HoSt can deliver towards the green gas ambitions in the Netherlands. You will be working in the project development team where we will guide you during the duration of the internship. Study the Dutch blending obligation biomethane for the built environment; Identify the important parameters such as feedstock and technology selection in the blending obligation; Use the gained insights to develop a strategy for HoSt in order to achieve the highest contribution towards the blending obligation. — E-methanol market study and development of a business case

Suitable forBSc or MSc in Industrial Engineering & Management / Chemical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Sustainable Energy combined with an interest in the gasification market and engineering & management

E-fuels and green fuels are a promising alternative to conventional fossil fuels such as gasoline, kerosene and others. E-fuels hold the advantage over upcoming technologies such as hydrogen, syngas and electricity in the transportation industry since e-fuels can use the existing infrastructure, which is applicable and widely available. Although the transportation industry seems to be very much interested in the e-fuel production, e-fuels such as methanol can be widely applied in multiple sectors. These sectors include, among others, the chemical refineries, transportation, pharmaceuticals but it can also be applied as a form of energy storage. HoSt is currently developing its first methanol production facility in the Netherlands and we are looking for a motivated student/intern to perform a market study within our own-to-operate department. The methanol facility will combine sustainable hydrogen and bioCO2 to produce methanol through synthesis. HoSt is looking to develop this technology and sell it to our clients. Therefore, HoSt would like to draft a go to market strategy for the upcoming years for this specific technology. You will be working in our project development team where you will get a better understanding of the (European) methanol market and how HoSt can develop the most interesting business case scenarios. Develop a business case tool for e-methanol projects; Techno-economic evaluation of business case scenarios for HoSt e-methanol products; Perform a market study on the status of e-methanol in Europe; Write a market strategy for the most interesting business case scenarios. Job requirements

Who are you?

Interested in sustainable energy technology; Plan-minded and independent worker. What do we offer? Working at the technology forefront of the energy transition; Groundbreaking tech company in the field of biofuels, carbon capture and thermal conversion; Minimum wage based on 40 hours per week for interns with an EU working license / Monthly fixed fee of € 400 based on 40 hours per week for students without an EU working license. Please note: it depends on your type of internship at HoSt which fee you receive; Lots of responsibility and room for own initiatives; Professional support, guidance and insights; Interesting international environment only a 5-minute walk from the ‘Kennispark’ train station in Enschede; Nice and sustainable welcome gift; Flexibility in working from home / office. Interested? Go to

to apply for this internship .

General questions can be addressed to

Mariëtte Huis in `t Veld , internship coordinator at For questions and more details about the internship please contact

Arnout de Vries (Hiring Manager) on +31 (0) 53 - 460 90 80. For questions and more details about the internship Anaerobic Digestionplease contact

Auke Smet (Hiring Manager) on +31 6 21541361. On-site Internships or CV or resume

* Upload your CV or resume file Upload a file

or drag and drop here Accepted files: PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPEG and PNG up to 50MB. My information Fill out the information below Full name

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Afghanistan Questions

Please fill in additional questions In which internship are you interested?

* Development of a 1,25 MWe electrolyser in the Netherlands BioCO2 market analysis and strategy development Dutch blending obligations and strategy for HoSt E-methanol market study and development of a business case Any of the above Upload your cover / motivational letter


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are required. Your application has been successfully submitted! Founded by Herman Klein Teeselink in 1991 through a joint venture between Holec Projects and Stork, HoSt Group has thrived under family ownership. Since 2020, Jelle Klein Teeselink has been part of the management team, upholding the family-owned company. Our global team of over 500 dedicated professionals operates across seven countries, with offices in both the US and Europe. We are passionate about advancing renewable energy technology worldwide, accelerating the renewable energy transition, the circular economy, and helping our clients reach their sustainability goals. To date, we have built more than 450 systems in over 45 countries — some of which have been operating successfully for over two decades. We realize effective and sustainable renewable energy projects that address both the climate crisis and waste management challenges. Join us and contribute to empowering sustainability ambitions.


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